Shipping Policy

Shipping or Transportation Policy

If an item in your order is unavailable, we will ship you the part of your order that is available. When that item becomes available, we will ship you the rest of your order. Shipping costs for your order are non-refundable and are based on the weight of the items you order and your location. The date of delivery for your order may vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location, method of delivery, and the number of items ordered, and in addition, your order may be delivered in separate shipments.

Additional taxes and charges 

Additional shipping charges may apply depending on your location and the size of your order. You are responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of your order, including sales tax, value-added tax, customs duties, and excise duties. If there is any damage to the items that you ordered on delivery, you must contact us within 5 days from receipt of your order.

Normal worldwide shipping offer worldwide shipping . Your order will be carefully packaged and delivered to a location most convenient for you. Flat rate on all orders. Free shipping on 2+ items orders. Delivery time depends on your location, usually 14-20 working days, you can check the country list on our delivery page. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information. Please wait 2 working days after placing your order to receive the shipping notification email. If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, please feel free to contact our customer service team. Thank you for choosing to shop with us and we hope you enjoy your new purchase!

US$60 would be add to meet your urgent request within one week

If there is an urgent request, it will arrive within one week and requires an urgent fee of $60 .

Express Agency, Checking Time and Estimated time of arrival

Once your order is completed, we will endeavor to dispatch it by USPS or Yun-Express the next working day, depending on the service you have chosen. Orders placed before 2pm (GMT) Monday to Friday will be dispatched the same day. Please allow 7-16 days for delivery. Any customs/import charges are the buyer’s responsibility.

Delivery Policy for Services

Upon receipt of your order, the services will be performed to you in accordance with the terms applicable to the services that you purchased. The nature of the services you purchased and the date of your purchase may impact the timing of the performance of the services. The services will be deemed to be successfully delivered to you upon the performance of the services